Thursday, May 6, 2010

Paul Younane Neckline Slimmer

Like most people, I made a New Year’s resolution (again) this year to get in shape. Until the last few weeks, I had not taken it very seriously. But swimsuit season is weeks away and I have been making a mad dash for the gym. In fact, by the time this column appears, I will have one week of a complimentary 12-week workout at a local gym behind me. The said program was bestowed on me from a local TV station after I submitted a corny poem about my desire to get in shape.
Right now I am doing everything I can to feel confident when I can finally engage in all the fun summer activities that require skimpy clothes that bare a lot of skin — the occasional fake tans, skin tightening creams, dieting and all those other self-improvement activities a woman goes through to feel her best.
But there is a part of my body of which I have always been very self-conscious and have not been able to do much to improve — not solely my wide childbearing hips, not-so-flat-anymore stomach or jiggling triceps, but my chin. If someone gave me the money for one plastic surgery of my choice, my chin would be numero uno.
My friends and family all tell me that it is cute, but I cannot stand it. Not only does my chin jut out like a crescent moon a la Jay Leno, but the extra weight I have put on over the last few years also makes me look like Peter Griffin’s kid, complete with a slight dewlap.
OK, so I know I exaggerate a little bit, but I am sure every person agonizes over some aspect of his or her body. I know if I were to ever go through with plastic surgery, it would be like Jennifer Grey after Dirty Dancing. Does anyone recognize her after the face-changing, career-damaging rhinoplasty?
So, needless to say, plastic surgery is not feasible for me. While it would not necessarily hurt my career, I simply could never afford it. Instead, I have found a gadget that will help me improve the appearance of my chin — the Paul Younane Neckline Slimmer.
What it is
The Paul Younane Neckline Slimmer is a progressive resistance toner for the neck, chin and jaw muscles.
How it works
The Neckline Slimmer is a device that holds a Power Coil inside a chamber. One side of the device is held against the top of your sternum, while the other side rests under your chin.
With your chin against the chin pad and the bottom held firmly in place against your sternum, you tilt your head downward to slowly flex the neck. It can also help tone the chin and jaw by lowering the jaw instead of tilting the head. At the bottom of each tilt, the pose is held for two seconds before returning to the starting position.
A thorough exercise routine consists of three sets of 10 repetitions of both exercises for maximum results.
As the Power Coils become easier, you can progress to a more resistant one. The set comes with three Power Coils — pink for low, green for medium and purple for high. Performing the exercise schedule twice a day or increasing the number of sets per exercise can also increase the results and provide you with tone, firm and lifted neck, jaw and chin muscles.
Pros and cons
The Neckline Slimmer is a very inexpensive alternative to plastic surgery, but it must be done often to keep the muscles of your chin, neck and jaw in good shape.
I noticed tightening of my chin muscles in just a few days, but I have not taken photos along the way to compare. After a few weeks of using it, I will take a few shots to look at my progress. I am sure the results are different for each person and may require more repetitions to see a difference.
Those of us who get too ambitious and overdo it when starting a new workout program may experience jaw or neck pain if you work it too much.
This is a good cheat for people who want to look like they have lost weight without actually having to lose any at all.
Men can also use the Neckline Slimmer, but the low-resistance Power Coil may not be suitable enough to provide muscle-building power. There are only the three coils, so after you have mastered the high-resistance coil, you are stuck at that level.
It is completely power- and battery- free. The action is provided entirely by your muscles and the Power Coils inside, which means no batteries to replace or cords to unravel.
Where to buy
As with any product, if you want to avoid telemarketers, paying shipping or dealing with credit card scams, I encourage you to buy from the store itself. My Paul Younane Neckline Slimmer came with the unit, three resistance coils and a carry bag. I purchased mine at Walgreens for $19.99 plus taxes.
Have a gadget idea to put to the test? Send the information to me at

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